Member Benefits

Both AFP Global and AFP Tampa Bay offer distinct benefits to members. See below for more details:
AFP Global Membership Benefits:
- INFORMATION/RESEARCH: Library services, publications, and research keeps AFP members and affiliates up to date on the latest information on fund raising practices. The Fundraising Resource Center located at AFP Global Headquarters maintains a comprehensive collection of books, periodicals, speeches, and audio/visual materials about fundraising and the not-for-profit sector.
- CERTIFICATION: A profession is defined, in part, by the standards it sets for itself. The Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) designation is earned by those with at least five years of experience that successfully complete the application and examination process.
- ETHICS: AFP members follow the Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice, and AFP has in place an enforcement procedure that ensures compliance, the only organization of its kind to do so.
- ADVOCACY/PUBLIC SERVICE: AFP helps develop legislation and regulations related to fundraising and philanthropy. AFP also collaborates with collegial organizations, nationally and locally, to expand its reach and help create a more productive environment.
AFP Tampa Bay Membership Benefits:
- PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Membership provides continuing education opportunities nationally and locally, including the First Course in Fundraising and the Survey Course to prepare for the CFRE exam.
- INVOLVEMENT: Our Chapter offers you a chance to attend regular meetings, educational programs, and social events that enable members and affiliates to share knowledge about the profession.
- EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE: Information about position openings in the local community as well as in other communities, from entry-level to the most senior, is available to AFP members through our local Job Bank.
- SCHOLARSHIPS: Our Chapter provides a variety of scholarships to its members to assist with the cost of attending training and education programs.