Take the Fear Out of Asking for Major Gifts presented by Jim Donovan
5 Criteria for Successful Major Gift Fund Raising
1. Identify a prospect with the capacity to give in the range needed on the gift table.
2. The best person to get the appointment with the prospect is the person the prospect can’t say “no” to.
3. Meet the prospect at his/her office or home or at the hospital, avoid meals.
4. Have two persons to make the ask, one to do openings the other to make the ask.
5. Answer four questions for the prospect:
- Where we have been?
- Where we are we today?
- Where are we going in the future?
- What philanthropic resources are needed to get there?
Tuesday - May 16, 2017
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Doors open at 11:30 AM
11:00 Membership Orientation
APPROVED for 1 hour CFRE Credit

$25.00 for Members
$40.00 for Guests
Payments may be paid in advance or at the door.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A FIRM RESERVATION DEADLINE. Due to a large number of late reservations, walk-ups and venue restrictions - LATE RESERVATIONS AND WALK-UPS WILL NOT BE ACCOMMODATED. No shows will be billed.
James A. Donovan (Jim) is an anomaly in that he began his career in the philanthropic sector right out of college in 1972. His entire professional life and work has been, as he says, “Trying to make a difference in the lives of people, pets and the planet.” He is one of the most sought after facilitators, speakers and trainers on the subject of major gift fund raising. In addition to being CEO of Donovan Management, Inc., a firm that assists organizations and individuals engaged in philanthropy, he lectures and writes on a wide range of philanthropic issues. His writing has been published in: CASE Magazine; Fund Raising Management Magazine; Metropolitan Universities Press; the Chronicle of Philanthropy and the Op-Ed My Word Column of the Orlando Sentinel. Jim is also the author of the book: 50 Ways To Motivate Your Board, A Guide for Nonprofit Executives. His third book, Best Practices in Fund Raising is underway. To learn more about the author or the firm go to: www.fundraisingflorida.org or to: www.donovanmanagement.com